September 12, 2010

Grandma S comes into town.. yay!

Aaron's Mom came to visit and meet her new grandson and we enjoyed every minute. I wish we I would have had my camera all week, but here are a few pictures of Grandma with her grand children. Funny story: Kieley was going swimming to our community pool with Grandma and Grandma had suggested that Kieley bring a ball to the pool to play with and when grandma pointed out which ball they should take Kieley gave her a funny looked and then said, "GRANDMA this ball has holes in it, it won't float in the water!"... we were so stunned that she was absolutely correct and that she was only 2 1/2 and correcting us..hehe! Then again that has always been the story with Princess Kieley, she has always been well above average with everything! :) We love you Kieley!
Grandma with baby Blake
I love newborn movements in their sleep... so precious!

September 03, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

First stop was the beach. Darin took us to a beautiful private beach only the locals know about, it was awesome!

We had a fun Labor Day Weekend! My little brother flew into California to meet us for some fun and to meet his new nephew. We started the weekend at the beach, then had a BBQ at Uncle Jeans and finished it at Disneyland. Baby Blake was such a good baby it was amazing and Princess Kieley has so much fun with Uncle Darin. Aaron and I are still adjusting to life with two little ones but its going well. :)
Kieley was in trouble.. I love the look on her face, such a cutie even when she is naughty! :)
Baby Blake having fun in the sun with a nap :)

This is a picture of my Uncle Jeans backyard, its beautiful! Above is a picture from left of my Uncle Jean, Uncle Alex and my Aunt Leah (Uncle Jeans wife). My uncles are my moms younger brothers.. growing up they were my favorite uncles and still are.. they are always having fun, I love it!
Next stop on the itinerary was Disneyland! This is a picture of Kieley on the bus ride from the parking to the amusement park... she made me giggle.
Uncle Darin with "his" Kieley.
I love Blake's face in this picture... baby's expressions are so sweet.
Kieley was stung by a bee for the first time riding the merry go around.. poor little girl :(
Look of pain... yet mom wanted a picture to document the moment

Group :)

Darin and Kieley as we were leaving the California Adventure side to go to DISNEYLAND!
Uncle Darin spoiled Kieley.. anything she wanted, she got! Here is a picture with her new Tinkerbell toy.
Blake slept the ENTIRE time.. he has been a dream baby, he is soo good everywhere we go... we love him lots!
I love this picture of my boys with Kieley smiling at her Uncle...
As we were leaving the park we ran into Mickey Mouse! Kieley was so excited, it was a perfect way to end a great day and a fantastic weekend! Thanks for coming out Darin, love you!