August 19, 2011

Dress Up

Makelle and Kieley are the cutest little cousins ever. Makelle is so sweet and laid back and Kieley is so spunky and in charge that is makes for a great combination. They love getting together to play... Kieley absolutely adores her older cousin. I am so glad they have gotten this time together to bond. Love these little girls! :)
During the fashion show this is what i found Mr. Blake doing..hehe! I love this silly little boy :)

August 16, 2011


One of Aaron's cousins got married and I decided to take the opportunity attending this beautiful wedding to get a picture with "granny", Aaron's grandma. I absolutley adore her.. I still remember the first time I met Aaron's grandma and grandpa S. He took me his grandpa's "fathers day" celebration picnic and his grandpa made some of his homemade delicious root beer and I remember him asking what I thought and asking how much I had drank, so cute. Granny came up to me first thing and gave me a hug and kiss and made me feel like I was apart of the family. I have adored her ever since.. she is such a great example to me. She has never spoke an unkind word, or raised her voice. She is always willing to help others even though her health isn't that great right now. I am so glad our kids have gotten to know her and love her too. Kieley even ask me when can we go visit Grannys house? We love you lots Granny!
Grandma and Blake
Aunt Missy and Kieley
Grandpa and Blakee!

August 14, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Aaron and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary! I can't believe we have entered into our eighth year of marriage! I don't know where the time has gone but I'm so glad we are growing old together. I love him more every year.. he is amazing dad and husband. One of the many things I love about him is how he knows to make me laugh at myself and relax which is something I need to do a lot. I seem to always be worrying about "something". I love you lots babe! Thank you for all you have done and do to support and love me and the kids, we are so lucky to have you! :)

August 13, 2011

Big Girl Bike

Kieley has been asking for a "big" girl bike all summer so Aaron and I finally went and got her one.. we decided to surprise her so she had no idea why we were making her close her eyes.. the expression on her face when she opened them was priceless. I'm so glad we have it on video. :) We love you princess and hope you love your bike!
Daddy & his princess
Blake wanted to try it out too :)

August 11, 2011


Kieley was fascinated that she could see the fish swimming in the pond.

Uncle Reesh's friend Austin has a fishing pond in his Grandparents amazing backyard so we decided to take Kieley fishing there and she is loved it! She caught two fish and the video of her excitement we got was so worth chasing Blakee around for a couple hours. :)
Grandpa and Daddy getting the polls ready
The cutest little fisher"girl" :)
One of the grand daughters came down to keep Kieley company.. I think her name was Molly :)

Big Boy Seat

We made the switch, it's official Blake is facing forward and loving it! And by Kieley's expression she is in shock her brother is just like her..hehe!
I love this little spunky princess.. her expressions are priceless. :)
On his first day as a big boy he fell asleep at the same time with his sister.. Aaron and I giggled when we saw this because they looked so cute. We love these two munchkins so much, life is good! :)

August 10, 2011

Fun Day

I love this picture.. My good looking husband and two beautiful kids, life is complete!
We took both kids to see the new Smurf movie and they laughed and giggled the whole time. It has been so fun to watch Blake want to be just like his sister. If she likes something, he will too... if she doesn't like it, he won't either. These two really are growing to be best of friends. :) Minus the occasional disagreement over toys.
Kieley loves two things when we go to Grandma's house... her Aunt Missy and her dog Howie. As you can tell :)

August 09, 2011

Blake's first time Boating.

We took Blake boating for his first time and he loved it! Which was a pleasant surprise for Aaron and I cause when we took Kieley around the same age she was not happy at all. It was a perfect afternoon to be out on the water.. Kieley loved watching Uncle "Potatoe Head" (Aaron) do his fancy tricks on his wake board. We had so much fun, I love summer!

August 08, 2011

Blake's 1st Birthday!!

Our baby boy is 1! I can't believe a year has gone since we welcomed this little guy into our family. He suprised us and was born in San Diego, CA within a 24 hr window and little did we know that the surprises with him would keep coming. Aaron and I have loved watching him grow. He has been the BEST baby. He has always been so calm and happy. He never cries except when he is either tired or hungry. His sister will take his toys from him and he will just look at her with a question of, "why are you doing that?". He loves to laugh and smile and he loves to eat! He also loves his sister, he follows her around everywhere she goes. He loves to play and wrestle with his daddy but loves to cuddle with his mommy, one of my favorite things. :) He has started to motor around and is actually taking a few steps now.. he loves to show off his new trick and get attention. We love you lots Blake! And are so happy you are apart of our family.. Happy 1st Birthday!
Showing off and climbing on things before the party started :) Love that face!

I quick picture of "some" of the presents.. Kieley and her cousin grabbed a few to go play with... silly kids :)
"THE" cake :)
Blakee's cake

I loved his face while we were singing to him... love this boy!
Time to blow out your worries his older sister helped him :)
He LOVED LOVED his cake!
Thank you to all our family who came to celebrate our little guys birthday.. you spoiled him. We love you all! PS.. thank you my 'lil' brother and Whit for letting us use your house. :)

August 06, 2011

Hair Cut Time

Isn't my baby boy so stinkin cute! He officially got his "first" hair cut a couple weeks ago for their pictures but I would call that one more like a "trim". Since Blakee's hair grows so fast and is so thick I decided to go get a REAL hair cut before his birthday party. In this picture he isn't quit finished but doesn't he look so grown up :(

August 04, 2011

Water Fun

We have had some much fun in the sun this summer... I actually have a tan this year, yay! I took the kids up to Pineview with their cousins and had a blast! I use to come here with my family growing up so it was fun to bring my kids here to play. Kieley loved it and so did Blake. There is something to be said about having sand and water combined to play in, so much fun!
Blake LOVED the sand!
Kieley and Makelle.. enjoying the cold water on a HOT day! :)

August 02, 2011

Concert in the Park

Wow, we have had a lot of princess time, but it has been so fun! The concert in the park was a princess theme so we dressed Kieley up in one of Grandma's many princess costumes and headed down to the park. She loved the princess parade and all the singing and dancing. Funny story: They picked ten girls from the audience to come up on stage and do a special song and dance and even though Kieley wasn't picked she didn't let that stop her... she got out of her chair and walked down to the stage and joined the rest of the girls with a big smile on her face. :) I love my beautiful little princess, her spunky, smart personality is the best!
Here she is joining the rest of the girls for a special performance... maybe she will be an actress one day. She loves to perform in front of people, she is not shy at all.
The rain came at the end of the concert we luckly got home before it really came down.