November 23, 2008

Yum, Yum Time!

Kieley has started a new funny habit.  I have been wheeling her highchair in front of her cartoons to feed her lately because she has been getting anxious sitting still to eat so I figure if I can distract her it would make yum, yum time a lot easier and it has helped lots!  However, she has decided it is a lot more comfortable to eat with her legs up..hehe!  She cracks me up.. everyday it seems to be something new with our little girl, I love it!  

November 21, 2008

Last Warm Day

My silly little girl!

I was trying to get Kieley attention for the picture so I kept saying,"hi Kieley" so she starting waving "hi" to me. :)

I know, I'm so behind with my postings but my blog has been in some weird format and I couldn't figure out how to fix UNTIL my good friend, Laurie Hunsaker, came to my rescue today!  Thank you, thank you!  Anyway, I wanted to post these cute pictures of my little princess with the pretty fall colors.  We were taking a walk on one of the last warm days in November and I found this tree.  I was so excited it hadn't lost its leaves I had to take some pictures with Kieley.  I'm really going to miss the Fall season in the Midwest.  It is so pretty with all the trees. 

November 20, 2008

Random Pictures

My family has been asking me to post new pictures of princess Kieley, so here are some random pictures from this last month. I did something to mess up my format on my blog and I can't figure out how to fix it so I can't write captions underneath the pictures.. sorry! I'll try to sumerize them real quick. Kieley first time in a hairchair at a restaurant (I'm a germ freak so I wouldn't let her sit in one until I bought portable germ-x wipes :) Kieley loves her feet so I often find her in the back with her socks/shoes off eating her feet. My favorite pictures is with Aaron. Kieley LoVeS her Dad! She is such a busy body these day but when Daddy gets home she will sit on his lap and tickle her hands and fall to sleep (her afternoon nap). Aaron doesn't usually look that serious he must be watching Jim Rome. (some sports show..hehe) Kieley wearing her cute Jackson Hole hoodie my Dad gave her.. she looks so cute in pink! :)

November 02, 2008

Winter is coming!

Kieley and I went on one of our favorite walks together today and I saw the birds flying in a V formation South. Winter is coming! After last years winter I'm not too excited about it. However, on a happier note Kieley looked super cute all bundled up for our walk so I got some cute pictures of my little princess. :)