May 31, 2011

Purple monster or Princess?

I was folding laundry when I heard Kieley say my name, I couldn't see her so I responded and asked her where she was that's when I heard, "promise you won't be mad at me mama?". I started to laugh cause I had never heard her say that before so I promised and that's when she walked around the corner and this is what a saw.. my very own purple monster or princess I can't decide, hehe! How could I be mad at this face? Luckily it was just washable crayola crayons, so it came off no problem.

May 23, 2011

Spring Dance Recital

Kieley had her spring dance recital and was the cutest little dancer and did such an awesome job! We were so proud of her.. she missed a lot of classes because she got so sick back in February but you would have never known by the way she dance and remembered her routine. Great job baby girl!
I took of few pictures of my own after she posed for her classes photo, hopefully she wasn't as silly in those pictures. :)

May 01, 2011

Dance Class

Our beautiful little princess!
I am so proud of my little dancer, she had such a fun year of dance. I had to get a few pictures of her last dance class before her recital. She is such a doll, I love watching her grow into this beautiful little girl!
Look at her pose... so so cute! :)