June 21, 2010

Our Princess

Miss Kieley Lauren
Our "little" princess is 2 1/2! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by since the day she was born. She loves to live life and is always on the go. I'm amazed at how quick she learns new things and how much she learns. :) I am so blessed to call her my daughter!
Things Kieley loves:
*Loves Disneyland
*Loves Singing and Dancing (the other day in Wendy's Kieley got a microphone in her kids meal and went on to serenade everyone in Wendy's and even got "big" applause from everyone around us after she was done singing "twinkle, twinkle". :)
*Loves all cartoons on NicJr or Disney
* Loves to help me with anything
*Loves to shop for clothes (wonder where she got that?)
*Loves jewelry
*Loves to copy her Aunt, Uncle, Dad, and Mom
*Loves to be snuggled at night
*Loves to be tickled and loves to tickle
*She knows all her shapes, colors, alphabet and sounds, counts to 25
*Loves to talk on the phone to her family
*Loves to play with friends
*Loves to read books
* Loves to sing Justin Bieber songs
*Loves to take care of her Mommy & Daddy
*Loves to wear dresses and get her hair done (before we got out she says, "Mom do my hair and put in my bows", definitely a princess!
I'm sure I forgot to list things but I want to keep track of what she is "loving" at this stage in her life. I can't wait to see what the next 2 1/2 years will bring. :)

June 19, 2010

Bath Time!

Kieley loves taking bubble baths at Grandma M's because of all the bubbles she gets.  I wish I would have got a picture of Uncle Darin and Bri blowing the bubbles everywhere in the bathroom making Kieley laugh.  Fun times!

June 15, 2010

Cousin Time

The girls having snow cones at Jaden baseball game.
While we were in Utah Kieley had a blast playing with her cousins!  She really loves all of them and still talks about her fun times with Jaden, Sissy and Kel Kel! :)  Here are a few pictures of them.
Sissy (Alexis) and Kieley watching cartoons
Jaden, Alexis, Makelle, and Kieley having fun! I didn't get a picture with Syndi :(

Pretty Princess playing dress up with the gifts Grandma gave her.. I love this picture!

June 10, 2010

Swimming Lessons

While we were in town and I would have tons of help since I'm so prego.  I decided to enroll Kieley in her first swimming lessons.  Aaron got to attend class with her the first week and Bri helped us out the 2nd week.  Aaron had to go back and work for a few days.  Kieley did great!  She hasn't been the biggest fan of the water, unless its her bath tub of course, but she really LOVED her swimming lessons.  She looked forward to "the pool" everyday, it was so fun to watch her learn and get soo excited!   
Her cousin, Carter, who is almost exactly a year younger than her was in the same class.. here they are on the last day with their completion certificate.  Their faces say it all, Kieley's bottom lip makes me laugh..hehe :)

June 09, 2010

The Wedding

A glimpse into my future.. Isn't this the most precious picture, my little princess looks beautiful!  She spent time with her Uncle Darin and went to lunch while we were in the temple and look at the picture he took with his phone, I love it! 
Aaron's only sister, Melissa, got married in June.  It was a beautiful wedding and she was a beautiful bride.  Kieley loved every minute of the wedding day.  She was Aunt Missy's mini me the entire day, it was super cute!  It has been so fun to watch Missy (her nickname) grow up into an amazing young lady, meet her husband and now start a life together.  They are such a cute couple and we wish them all the best!  We love you guys!

Don't think I'm completely vain but I never get family pictures, it's always either Aaron with Kieley or me with Kieley we are never together so I took advantage of all the extra family and ask them to take some pictures.  I can't decide which one to print because I think my husband looks HOT, my daughter is BEAUTIFUL and I'm this huge prego. :( 

It was so cute.. Kieley would hold her dress like this when she walked because she told me, "I'm a princess Mom", and I agreed. :)
Kieley looking at the wedding line...so precious!  My little girl looks so grown up :(
The wedding line right before the guests arrived and things got crazy! :)