December 21, 2009

Our Princess is 2!!

My princess is 2!  I cannot believe it has been two years..aah where has the time gone?  We had such a fun time celebrating her birthday this year.  Since Kieley is going through a major Tinkerbell phase right now I decided it would be a Tinkerbell theme this year.  It was so darling to see all the cousin arrived in the fairy costumes.  I have to give a special thanks to my "ONLY" nephew Jaden for putting up with all the girly fun!  It was lots of fun.. Thank you to all our family for spoiling Kieley and celebrating with us.  We love you all!  Ps.. special thank you to my friend Laurie for you help with Tinkerbell on the invites, you're the best!
Tinkerbell looking at her presents being opened..kinda concerned?
She loved the Tinkerbell flashlight..great idea Aunt Missy!
It was so funny..half way through her presents being opened the birthday girl decided she wanted to watch instead of participate so we went and sat by her grandpa's.  She is too funny!
Her cousin Makelle was loving opening her presents for her and she found a doll and was soo excited but Kieley wasn't as excited..what a face, huh!
The cutest "Tinker" fairies :)
Jaden did dress up but it was as far from a fairy as you could get..hehe!
We played pin the wings on the fairy.. the kids had a blast!
Birthday girls turn

They all did a great job!  Jaden won!


RaQuelle Willey said...

Wow, what a great party, invite, cake! She's had two great birthdays now, The only problem is how are you going to top it next year?

Am said...

What a beautiful fairy sorry we missed the birthday it looked like a lot of fun..

Brigitte M. said...

Best fairy party I have ever been to! Keep the updates comin!

Laurie said...

Love the the adorable fairies! Kieley is so cute, even (especially?!) with that big pouty face!