December 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Aaron!

The birthday boy with his favorite pie (Coconut Cream).. look at that signature smile! :)

We celebrated Aaron's 29th birthday while we were in town!  My original due date with Kieley was on Aaron's birthday but I'm glad they both have their own days to celebrate. :)  Aaron wanted to go bowling and for the first time I was on the winning team.  It must have been the birthday boy's magic.:)  Happy Birthday Aaron, we love you!
PS.. Thank you Aunt Stacy for taking these pictures. :)
Family photos

Mommy & Princess
Aunt Missy & Kieley
The winning team.. Rick, Kieley, Me, Aaron & Grandma
The "losers" (I say that w/ love)  Grandpa, Missy, Stacy, and Jay


Laurie said...

Go team! Way to be a winner. :)

RaQuelle Willey said...

That pie looks really yummy. sounds like a fun activity, I love bowling with the family. how did Kieley like that one?

Anonymous said...

Look how cute aaron is! Ohhhh happy birthday to Aaron :) and since when did you become a pro-bowler?!

Browns said...

Yay, Happy Birthday to Aaron!

Candace said...

That pie does look mighty fine! I am terrible at bowling, but I do enjoy doing it every now and then. Good job at being on the winning team! And happy be-lated b-day to your hubby!